I am so excited to share the news.....NORTH DALLAS DOULA ASSOCIATES has won BEST IN DALLAS!
Although I have won twice before as an individual, for the first year ever, an entire team of doulas (MY PRACTICE) won!!!
North Dallas Doula Associates was established in 1999, with a goal and a mission to facilitate change and recognition of the professional doula and establish a well deserved place on the birth team. Our mission statement reads, "To promote, support, and preserve the nature of birth by educating and empowering families through childbirth and beyond". Little did I know we would eventually be providing education and empowerment to nurses & physicians in hospitals, and students in high school and college nursing programs. We grew from 1 doula (me) to 14 and provide an abundance of expertise and services collectively.

We live by 10 values:
1. Be intentional through consistency and commitment, be lead by integrity
2. Embrace and Drive Change
3. Create trust and non judgement through service
4. Be a witness and testify, hold space and be present
5. Pursue personal and practice growth through learning
6. Build, open, honest, and genuine relationships through communication
7. Build support and uplift the practice through sisterhood and transparency
8. Practice grace, alignment, and balance
9. Be passionate, determined, and confident
10. Be humble and grateful
Our practice has changed the way providers see birth and has allowed us to become colleagues and team players on the pregnancy, birth, and parenthood journey.
We want to thank you for voting for us, supporting us, and being loyal to us.... We couldn't have done this without you!
We didn't just WISH for it WE WORKED for it....team work really does make the dream work!!!
With many thanks,
The Best Doulas in Dallas!
Special thanks to Red Plum Photography!